The Regional Development Council (RDC) VI will convene this March to identify and plan the 2017-2019 major activities and initiatives of the sectors on social, infrastructure, development administration and economy, and its special committees. The priority agenda shall take off from the sectors’ gains from previous years, in support of the long-term vision embodied in the Ambisyon Natin 2040, 0+10 Socioeconomic Agenda of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, and the strategies and priorities of the Regional Development Plan (RDP) of Western Visayas for 2017-2022.
The chairpersons and co-chairpersons of the sectors including the selected members of its special committees will present to the RDC-VI Full Council their respective priority agenda and initiatives that are intended to respond to the sectors’ persistent challenges.
The Full Council will then evaluate the inputs presented and will make the necessary recommendations to enhance the proposed committee work program. The activity is also intended to improve the collaboration between government and the private sector by focusing on the various commitments identified in the RDC-private sector representative or PSR National Convention and the challenges posed in the RDP.
The presentation of the major activities and initiatives will be followed by the Council’s team building activity to be facilitated by Dr. Ernesto O. Cecilia of the EC Business Solutions and Career Center. The activity aims to build camaraderie among Council members and strengthen the RDC VI as a development institution, in pursuit of the overall goals stated in the RDP 2017-2022.