The NEDA Regional Office (NRO) V launched the Ambisyon Natin 2040 through a regional dissemination forum held last November 15 at Hotel St. Ellis, Legazpi City in Bicol. A total of 161 participants from local government units, regional line agencies, higher education institutions, private sector and civil society organizations attended the event.
At the forum, NRO V Regional Director Agnes Espinas presented Ambisyon Natin 2040 or the long-term vision of the Filipino people and the strategic directions that will be pursued to realize the vision.
In her presentation, RD Espinas said that under Ambisyon Natin 2040, in the next 24 years, Filipinos will enjoy a stable and comfortable lifestyle and will have equal opportunities; citizens will not be burdened by poverty or hunger and have equal opportunities; and the Philippines will be a predominantly middle-class society. She added that this is also the primary vision Filipinos aspire for themselves and the country over the long term, based on the results of a nationwide survey conducted by NEDA.
The participants, who represented the core development actors in the region, lauded NEDA’s initiatives and they also committed their support for Ambisyon Natin 2040 by signing their names on the pledge wall that was put up by NRO V at the event. The signatures will be a constant reminder of the collective commitment of the participants to attain the aspirations of Bicolanos.
The following are some of the insights shared by participants that needs to be addressed to achieve the vision: (a) sustain the momentum across four administrations until 2040; (b) curb population growth to make the vision for the family more achievable; (c) capacitate low income municipalities to make them more proactive as frontline development actors; (d) improve coordination among implementing agencies; (e) enhance education curricula to focus on values formation; and (f) continue engagement and dialogue with civil society to sustain ownership and buy-in of as many stakeholders as possible.
Recognizing that young people have the most at stake 25 years from now, the NRO V will hold a regional youth forum on December 13 in partnership with the National Youth Commission. The forum aims to engage 300 student leaders and youth organizations regionwide to own the vision, cascade it to their respective organizations, and push for the achievement of the vision.
Anna Liz B. Bellen/NRO V
Photos by NRO V